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Emergent Identity

What the if… happened!

5779 days ago // Comment [3015] // Filed under:

DSC04785.JPGWow, what a time warp I’ve been in for the last couple of weeks. It was a whirlwind of implementation, execution, and continuous refinement, all the while trying to balance letting things emerge while keeping efforts organized and focused.

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What the if… is installed.

5795 days ago // Comment [1346] // Filed under:

Well, for the most part anyway. Amazing things happen when 8 people work together for 8 hours for a common vision. One might even say things… emerge!

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Ready, set, execute!

5802 days ago // Comment [2880] // Filed under:

After all the planning, critiquing, and re-planning, it’s finally time to execute. I have less than a week to get all the What the if… campaign pieces in order– and some (like the website) need to be ready earlier than others.

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Grounds-crew in place!

5809 days ago // Comment [906] // Filed under:

ButtonIn order to guarantee content and participation, it’s always good to have a critical mass of individuals who are ‘in the know’ before the larger group. This helps generate buzz and iron out any kinks before the massive launch to the entire group.

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What the if…

5810 days ago // Comment [348] // Filed under:

What the ifRight now, I’m a mess of organization. Does that make sense? I’m trying to get all the pieces in place for this installation event to actually get off the ground and running. After all, the process and result are organic, but there still needs to be a solid foundation and adaptable structure in place (my responsibility!) for it to function as an emergent piece.

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Mood board and plan

5833 days ago // Comment [6002] // Filed under:

Togetherness compIn the vein of any identity creation process (be it emergent or not), I chose to make some style or mood boards that showcased the current situation in the CDes community and my hopes for the new situation after an Emergent Identity was employed in this environment (i.e., McNeal Hall).

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Thesis mtg notes, 1/30/09

5852 days ago // Comment [121] // Filed under:

In general, there needs to be a sense of a sustained, prolonged campaign that unites all the ‘interventionist’ pieces that I create and install. It’s not necessary that my pieces are all ‘created’ by me, in fact, they can be using commercially created designs or technologies that I position and install in appropriate places in order to interrupt the expectations of my audience (the CDes community). However, it is necessary that they create a strong presence that is purposefully orchestrated by me. Place and method should have a purpose and a meaning.

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